Cultured Bite Has Moved!

Hello everyone! For all those who have subscribed to my blog here: you might or might not be wondering why I haven’t blogged in a while.

Well, firstly, in September I moved the blog. It is now located at:


Please have a visit and subscribe!

Secondly, right after I moved my hosting I became very ill and was essentially dying and not knowing why. I tried to not make it dramatic at the time but now that I’ve figured it out and am on the mend I realize how freaked out I was. You can read the story on my new blog. Please visit and subscribe! 🥰😂

Thirdly, my near death experience meant I could no longer eat vegetables and I was surviving on bone broth and organ meats. Yes, you read that right. Me, the nearly vegan vegetable lover was having hugely painful inflammatory reactions to ALL vegetables… cultured or not. It was not fun. There was a lot of gagging involved. But I don’t regret going carnivore for a period because it saved my life.

NOW! I am regaining health and testing new vegetables every couple weeks and am having so much success! So I will be posting more recipes from here on out. But not here. They will be available at

Please visit and subscribe! 🙏🏼💕

That’s all for now! I would love t hear from you all… THERE!

Here’s to living, love, and getting through the Coronavirus madness. Together. ❤️🙌🏼🥳

Brenna May

